This page lists the people involved (both present and past) in DIAG, the Distributed Intelligent Agents Group, at the University of Michigan, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Edmund H. Durfee – Professor
Jason Sleight – Graduate Student
Rob Cohn – Graduate Student (co-advised with Prof. Singh)
Alexander Gutierrez – Graduate Student
PhD Alumni
Piotr J. Gmytrasiewicz, Associate Professor of Computer Science, U. of Illinois, Chicago
Thomas A. Montgomery, Technical Expert in Text Mining, Ford Research Laboratory, Dearborn MI
Sandip Sen, Professor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, U. of Tulsa , Oklahoma
David Musliner, Senior Principal Research Scientist, Smart Information Flow Technologies, Minneapolis, MN
Marcus J. Huber, Research Scientist at Soar Technology, Ann Arbor, MI
Jaeho Lee, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Seoul, South Korea
Ella Atkins, Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan
Jose M. Vidal, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, University of South Carolina
Sunju Park, Associate Professor of Business, Yonsei University, South Korea
Brad Clement, Research Scientist, NASA Jet Propulsion Lab
Pradeep Pappachan, Software Architect, Intel Corporation
Christopher H. Brooks, Associate Professor and Chair of Computer Science, University of San Francisco
Haksun Li, CEO of Numerical Method Inc., Hong Kong
Jeffrey Cox, Software Engineering Manager, Google
Dmitri Dolgov, Software Engineer, Google
Jianhui Wu, Manager of Software Development, Amazon
Stefan J. Witwicki, Scientist, Robotic Systems Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland
James C. Boerkoel, Jr., Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Harvey Mudd College
A list of a few local papers on the general topics of multiagent systems and distributed AI (lots more publications are associated with the individual projects).
Edmund H. Durfee and Shlomo Zilberstein. “Multiagent Planning, Control, and Execution.” In Multiagent Systems (Weiss, ed.), pages 485-545, MIT Press, 2013.
Michael N. Huhns, Munindar P. Singh, Mark Burstein, Keith Decker, Edmund Durfee, Tim Finin, Les Gasser, Hrishikesh Goradia, Nick Jennings, Kiran Lakkaraju, Hideyuki Nakashima, H.Van Dyke Parunak, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein, Alicia Ruvinsky, Gita Sukthankar, Samarth Swarup, Katia Sycara, Milind Tambe, Tom Wagner, and Laura Zavala, “Research Directions for Service-Oriented Multiagent Systems,” IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 65-70, November/December 2005.
Edmund H. Durfee. “Strategies for Discovering Coordination Needs in Multi-Agent Systems.” In M. d’Inverno, M. Luck, M. Fisher, and C. Preist (eds.), Foundations and Applications of Multi-Agent Systems: UKMAS Workshops 1996-2000 Selected Papers, pages 19-26, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in AI 2403, Berlin 2002. Originally appeared in The DoD Software Tech News, 5(1):3-8, January 2002.
Edmund H. Durfee. “Scaling Up Agent Coordination Strategies.” IEEE Computer 34(7):39-46, July 2001.
Marie E. desJardins, Edmund H. Durfee, Charles L. Ortiz, Jr., and Michael J. Wolverton. “A Survey of Research in Distributed, Continual Planning.” AI Magazine 20(4):13-22 (Special section on Distributed Continual Planning), Winter, 1999.
Edmund H. Durfee. “Practically Coordinating.” AI Magazine 20(1):99-116, Spring 1999.
Edmund H. Durfee. “Blissful Ignorance: Knowing Just Enough to Coordinate Well.” In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, June 1995.
Edmund H. Durfee. “What Your Computer Really Needs to Know, You Learned in Kindergarten.” In Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 858-864, July 1992.
Edmund H. Durfee. “The Distributed Artificial Intelligence Melting Pot.” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Special Issue on Distributed Artificial Intelligence, SMC-21(6):1301-1306, November 1991.
Edmund H. Durfee, Victor R. Lesser, and Daniel D. Corkill. “Trends in Cooperative Distributed Problem Solving.” IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, KDE-1(1):63-83, March 1989.
Edmund H. Durfee. “Planning in Distributed Artificial Intelligence,” in G. O’Hare and N. Jennings (eds.) Foundations of Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Wiley 1995 (to appear).
Edmund H. Durfee, Victor R. Lesser, and Daniel D. Corkill. “Distributed Problem Solving,” in S. Shapiro (ed.) Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence , second edition, Wiley 1992.
Edmund H. Durfee, Victor R. Lesser, and Daniel D. Corkill. “Cooperative Distributed Problem Solving,” in A. Barr, P. Cohen, and E. Feigenbaum (eds.) The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence , Volume IV, Addison Wesley, 1989.
Edmund H. Durfee and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein. “Distributed Problem Solving and Multi-Agent Systems: Comparisons and Examples.” In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Distributed Artificial Intelligence Workshop, pages 94-104, July 1994.