Control and Brokering Group

The CoABS Control and Brokering group shares an interest in studying the challenges of controlling the identification, allocation, and coordination of capabilities and resources in a networked agent system.

Participating research groups include:

Carnegie-Mellon University (Katia Sycara)

Crystalize (Sankar Virdhagriswaran)

Dartmouth (David Kotz, Daniela Rus)

Stanford/SRI/BritishColumbia (Yoav Shoham, Moises Goldszmidt, Craig Boutilier)

University of Michigan (Ed Durfee)

USC/ISIĀ (Milind Tambe)

Other group participants include:

Michael Huhns (U. South Carolina) co-coordinator

James Lawton (Rome Labs)  facilitator

George Cybenko (Dartmouth) coordinator for Scaling TIES (of which Control/Brokering is one)

Frank Born (Rome Labs)

Research Publications

The following are papers suggested by each participating group to get quickly up to speed with that project. One paper (preferably, a short conference paper) per group:

Carnegie-Mellon University



University of Michigan


comparison matrix to begin formulating the landscape covered by the group’s control and brokering technologies is also under development.